The Fence is Installed!

22 May 2021

Kennel Startup!

Running in the fields of Sherman Maine and keeping pace with the growing puppies. 

Here in Sherman Maine the dogs have ample space to run and run. In addition to the space the dogs get constant stimulation.  There is socialization and play time galore.  If the dogs need extra interaction we look no further then family.  The children have so much fun running along side of them.   

We installed a half an acre fence for free play time.

The dogs have waited for the moment to run all day! The leashes just are not as much fun. My daughter is on the outside of the kennel with Meadow and Breezy on a leash. She is wearing a bug net on her head. She never complains about the bugs. Nor do the dogs. They just play and play. I learn a lot from watching them. They are so carefree.

It's play time when the kids arrive...

That means it is time to play ball!

It can be tricky getting into the kennel when you are 10 years old. They all would love to follow him right out the door.

Sometimes we allow the dogs to totally run free.

They never run away because they know who feeds them and loves them. They are so loyal.

Obedience is an easy task for our poodles and our Golden's. I would say that all the dogs excel in obedience.

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